Hello, this is GVG Store.Celebrity items to be introduced today!It’s Chaeyoung and Dahyun of TWICE.You seem to be introducing JYP singer’s items a lot these days!TWICE Chaeyoung and Dahyun wearing jewelryDahyun’s necklace is on sale!EEFLY NECHttps://www.gvg.co.kr/item/242874?_C_=34BTS JHope, BTOB SOUNTB SOUNT BTOB SOURCENONONONENONENONENON) IEEE FLEXIBLE.All the world direct flight.YouTube Performance Challenge to Dependencies!J-Hope, JHope, “The second world” online production.All world directions.Category:openlet | ring |necklace, brand: NONENONENONENON, price: 24,000 won, J-Hope, J-Hope, JHope, JHope, JHope, JHope, JHopewear www.gvg.co.krBTS J-Hope, BTOB Seo Eunkwang, butterfly necklace NONENONEE FLY NEC | GVG Store. Direct worldwide shipping.YouTube Permission to Dance Challenge! J-Hope wears JTBC’s “Second World” online production presentation, Seo Eunkwang. Direct worldwide shipping.Categories: bracelet | Ring | Necklace, Brand: Nonenon, Product Name: EEFLY NEC, Price: KRW 24,000, J-Hope, Starring, Kazuha, Dahyun Wearing www.gvg.co.kr”READY TO BE” in JAPAN, 20231216 I wore it at the last concert!Dahyun is the only one who cropped, You can see the butterfly design clearly!It goes well with Dahyun’s fresh image.Dahyun is the only one who cropped, You can see the butterfly design clearly!It goes well with Dahyun’s fresh image.Dahyun is the only one who cropped, You can see the butterfly design clearly!It goes well with Dahyun’s fresh image.CHAEYOUNG’s earrings are on sale at 15%!TEAR EAR www.gvg.co.kr/item/246320?_C_=34TWICE Chaeyoung’s earrings | GVG store. Direct worldwide shipping.Category: Bracelet | Ring | Necklace, Brand: Nonenon, Product Name: TEAREAR, Price: 22,950 won, TWICE Chaeyoung earrings www.gvg.co.krTWICE Chaeyoung’s earrings | GVG store. Direct worldwide shipping.Category: Bracelet | Ring | Necklace, Brand: Nonenon, Product Name: TEAREAR, Price: 22,950 won, TWICE Chaeyoung earrings www.gvg.co.krNext is Chaeyoung’s earrings!It’s a unique necklace with a tear-shaped design, but it goes well with Chaeyoung’s uniqueness!Chaeyoung may not be able to see her hair well when she cropped, but she looks better in other concert photos!If you’re looking for unique earrings, I recommend these earrings!I think it’s the item that fans like the most because it’s not a burden to do Song Min-soo and it’s not expensive?논논 New Pixel Collection 10% 세일! https://www.gvg.co.kr/store/nonenon/list/7155?_C_=34Non-NONONENONENON) | GVG store.All world directions. The direction of the direction of the direction of the direction of the direction of the direction.present a slogan that.We have a casual silhouette and safety design and safety design and secure design and secure their daily basis.www.gvg.co.krIn addition to the original popular items, the NONENON New Collection is also very popular!Don’t miss the 10% sale to datePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image