흑마늘 효능 만드는법 보관법

처출 黒ニンニクの6つの印象的な健康上の利点(2021年)黒ニンニクの球根全体と皮をむいたクローブの物理化学的および抗酸化特性の進化(2016年)黒にんにくの物理化学的および抗酸化作用(2014年)オスラットの高脂肪/糖類食によって誘発される代謝および血管の変化における老化した黒ニンニク抽出物の有益な効果(2019年)核因子エリスロイド2様因子2経路を含む黒ニンニク抽出物の抗酸化メカニズム(2017年)虚血/再灌流による心臓合併症に対する熟成(黒)対生ニンニク(2018年)黒にんにく(Allium satvium)抽出物が高脂肪食を摂ったラットの脂質代謝に及ぼす影響(2015年)熟成黒ニンニクの12wk補充による血中脂質パラメータの減少:ランダム化制御試験(2014年)ラットにおけるβ-アミロイThe neuroprotective effect of aged garlic extract on cognitive dysfunction and neuroinflammatory (2017) on immunostimulatory activity of raw garlic extract and black garlic extract (2012) Aged black garlic extract inhibits growth of HT29 colon cancer cells (2014)How to make black garlic effect Source: Unsplashblack garlic effectBlack Garlic Effect 1. More antioxidants!During the fermentation process, it contains more antioxidants than raw garlic, and antioxidants have a protective effect against cell damage and disease.How to make Black Garlic Effectiveness Storage Method Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/According to a study, antioxidant activity increased significantly during the ripening period, and antioxidant content reached its maximum on the 21st day of fermentation.How to make Black Garlic Effectiveness Storage Method Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Effect of black garlic 2. It helps regulate blood sugar levelsAccording to an animal study, mice with fat and sugar-rich diets were fed black garlic extracts, and improvements such as cholesterol, reduced inflammation, and controlled appetite were shown.How to make Black Garlic Effectiveness Storage Method Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Another animal study found that mice fed a high-fat diet with black garlic had significantly lower blood glucose and insulin levels than the control group.How to make Black Garlic Effectiveness Storage Method Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/It is limited to animal research, and further research on humans must continue.How to make black garlic effect Source: PexelsBlack garlic potency 3. Reduces the risk of heart diseaseAn animal study found that mice recovering from ischemic heart damage ate raw garlic black garlic, and both garlics help protect the heart from damage by improving circulation.How to make Black Garlic Effectiveness Storage Method Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/In addition, it has been confirmed that giving black garlic extracts to mice who eat fat-rich diets can help reduce total blood fat, neutral fat, and total cholesterol.How to make Black Garlic Effectiveness Storage Method Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Another study found that 60 people with high cholesterol levels were fed black garlic extracts aged for 12 weeks, increasing HDL cholesterol and reducing potential heart disease indicators compared to placebo-treated groups.How to make Black Garlic Effectiveness Storage Method Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Black garlic effect 4. Protect brain health.Experts say accumulating in the brain of a protein compound called beta amyloid causes inflammation and increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, but an animal study found that black garlic can reduce brain inflammation caused by beta amyloid and improve short-term memory.How to make Black Garlic Effectiveness Storage Method Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/How to make Black Garlic Effectiveness Storage Method Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/How to make black garlic effect Source: PexelsBlack garlic has an anti-cancer effectThe examiner’s study confirmed that black garlic may kill human colon cancer, stomach cancer, and leukemia cancer cells, reducing cancer cell growth.How to Make Black Garlic EfficacySource: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ also confirmed in a review study of 25 studies that most human, animal and test tube studies showed beneficial effects on cancer.How to make Black Garlic Effectiveness Storage Method Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.govThe Effect of Black Garlic 6. Helps Protect the LiverAn animal study found that black garlic has a protective effect in the event of liver damage and prevents additional liver damage.How to make Black Garlic Effectiveness Storage Method Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Another study of mice with liver damage found that aged black garlic reduces the two chemicals in the blood, ALT (alanine transaminase) and AST (aspartate transaminase), which indicate liver damage.How to make Black Garlic Effectiveness Storage Method Source: https://www.sciencedirect.comHow to make black garlicWhen you make black garlic, you have to buy garlic with roots on the stem instead of peeled garlic. I have to use a rice cooker for about two weeks, so I have to make a proper meal plan.” 🙂 How to make black garlic 1. Remove the dirt-covered garlic skin, roots, and stems.Instead of removing all the skin, remove the outer skin, roots and stems of garlic with soil and foreign substances. The point is to put it in without moisture, so you should use a vegetable brush as much as possible to remove the soil.How to make black garlic 2. Put it in a rice cooker with garlic skin on and let it ripen for about 2 weeks.Put it in a rice cooker and keep it warm for about two weeks, but if the egg is small, it may take less time, or if the egg is large, it may take longer. If the garlic turns black, it will mature well.How to make black garlic effect Source: UnsplashHow to make black garlic 3. After drying well aged garlic, peel and store in refrigerator or freezer.You can enjoy black garlic as thick as jelly only when you blow away the moisture from the rice cooker. Dry it in a cool place with good ventilation or turn it into a food dryer to dry it well.How to make black garlic effect Source: UnsplashBLACK GARLIC STORAGE METHOD INTAKEYou can keep the well-made black garlic in the refrigerator and eat it, but if the amount is too large or you can’t finish it within a month, please put it in an airtight container and store it in the freezer. It is recommended to eat two to three garlics a day, so you can eat two to three black garlics a day, but you can eat only black garlic or put them as toppings for various dishes.How to make black garlic effect Source: UnsplashHow to make black garlic effect Source: Unsplash

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